Managing Change with Sayre Darling

In this episode of "Dial It In," hosts Dave and Trygve discuss their ability to deal with change and bring on an expert to prove their point. They interview Sayre Darling, a change management expert, who shares insights on how businesses can successfully navigate change. The hosts and guest discuss the fear of change, how to communicate change to employees, and the importance of having a change management plan in place. Tune in to learn how to "dial it in" when it comes to change in your organization.


Show Notes:
00:03:55 Change is how business improves.
00:07:30 Proactive change is crucial.
00:15:09 Involve everyone in change.
00:22:13 Involve employees in change management.
00:26:57 Embrace and normalize change.
00:33:54 Customize change to succeed.
00:45:45 Communicate and prioritize during change.
00:50:46 Change requires clear vision.

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Change is how business improves.

In today's fast-paced world, change is no longer an episodic event but rather a force that drives businesses forward. This is the message that Sayre Darling, a change management expert, conveys in a recent episode of the Dial It In podcast. As she explains, change is how businesses improve, and it is not something to be feared or resisted.

One of the reasons why people tend to fear change is that they are wired for certainty. They feel more in control when things stay the same, even if it means sacrificing efficiency or falling short of their goals. However, as Darling points out, life is not certain, and change is a natural part of the process of continual improvement.

The COVID-19 pandemic has been a prime example of how change can be an accelerant of progress. Organizations that were able to adapt quickly to the new reality were able to thrive, while those that clung to old ways of doing things struggled to survive. As Darling notes, the speed of life has increased, and things are more complex and interconnected than ever before. This means that businesses need to embrace change as a way of staying relevant and competitive.

So how can businesses learn to lead change rather than manage it? According to Darling, it starts with looking at the advantages of making the change and involving people in a way that helps them understand the opportunities that the change will create. This means creating a culture of continuous improvement where change is seen as a positive force rather than a disruptive one.

In conclusion, change is how business improves. It is not something to be feared or resisted but rather embraced as a natural part of the process of growth and innovation. By leading change rather than managing it, businesses can create a culture of continuous improvement that enables them to stay ahead of the curve and thrive in today's fast-paced world.

Embrace proactive change or fail.

The podcast "Embrace Proactive Change or Fail" highlights the importance of embracing change in the business world. The speakers discuss how businesses that resist change are more likely to fail, especially in the current landscape where change is happening at an unprecedented rate. They argue that businesses need to be proactive in embracing change if they want to stand out and succeed.

One of the main points made in the podcast is that businesses need to be strategic and decisive in their approach to change. They cannot simply go through the motions and follow the owner's manual. Instead, they need to take a proactive approach and understand the granularity of the change. This means understanding what opportunities the change presents and how it can be used to address other issues within the organization.

The speakers also emphasize the importance of change leadership. They argue that businesses need leaders who can find their reason for why they are making a change beyond just keeping up with the industry or adopting new technology. Change leadership is about understanding the opportunities presented by the change and using it to create a systemic solution for the organization that gives everyone a little bit more of what they really want.

The podcast also highlights the challenges that businesses face in 2023 when it comes to change. Everything is changing so fast that businesses don't know where to start. They cannot base next year's plans on best practices because new best practices are constantly emerging. This requires a new way of thinking and a new conversation inside organizations.

In conclusion, the podcast makes a compelling argument for why businesses need to embrace proactive change if they want to succeed. Change is not something to be feared or resisted but rather embraced as a natural part of the process of growth and innovation. By leading change rather than managing it, businesses can create a culture of continuous improvement that enables them to stay ahead of the curve and thrive in today's fast-paced world.

Involve everyone in change.

One key takeaway from the podcast is the importance of involving everyone in the process of change. The traditional approach of executives announcing changes and then rolling them out to the rest of the organization is no longer effective. Instead, businesses need to hold listening sessions and gather input from employees at all levels of the organization.

This approach not only ensures that everyone feels valued and heard, but it also leads to better adoption of the change. When employees understand the reasoning behind the change and have had a say in how it will be implemented, they are more likely to embrace it and work towards its success.

Furthermore, involving everyone in the process of change can lead to better outcomes. By gathering input from a diverse range of perspectives, businesses can identify potential roadblocks and opportunities that they may not have otherwise considered. This can lead to more effective and innovative solutions.

In order to involve everyone in the process of change, businesses need to shift their mindset away from the traditional top-down approach. Executives need to be willing to listen and collaborate with employees at all levels of the organization. This requires a culture of openness and transparency, where everyone feels comfortable sharing their ideas and concerns.

In conclusion, involving everyone in the process of change is crucial for businesses that want to stay competitive and innovative in today's fast-paced world. By gathering input from employees at all levels of the organization and creating a culture of openness and collaboration, businesses can create a culture of continuous improvement that enables them to thrive.

Involve employees in change.

The podcast emphasizes the importance of involving employees in the process of change. The conversation highlights that change can be difficult for CEOs and employees alike, and that involving everyone in the process can help to overcome these challenges. The podcast suggests that CEOs need to be willing to ask questions about the cost and advantages of change, and to commit to institutionalizing the change by integrating it into the fabric of the organization.

One of the key points made in the podcast is that involving employees in the process of change can help to ease the transition and ensure that everyone is on board with the new direction. This is particularly important when implementing new systems or technologies, such as a CRM. The podcast suggests that involving salespeople in the process of implementing a CRM can help to ensure that the system captures the information that is most important to them, rather than just the data that the company wants to collect.

The podcast also notes that change needs to be built into the culture of the organization. This means creating a culture of openness and collaboration, where employees feel comfortable sharing their ideas and opinions. By creating this type of culture, businesses can create a culture of continuous improvement that enables them to stay competitive and innovative in today's fast-paced world.

In conclusion, involving employees in the process of change is crucial for businesses that want to stay competitive and innovative in today's fast-paced world. By gathering input from employees at all levels of the organization and creating a culture of openness and collaboration, businesses can create a culture of continuous improvement that enables them to thrive.

Normalize change in culture.

The podcast discussed the importance of normalizing change in the culture of organizations. It emphasized that even well-established companies with significant assets must pay attention to changes in the market to ensure their success in the future. The speakers stressed that integrating change into the culture of the organization is essential to help people understand that it is happening to everyone and that they need to be more comfortable with it.

The speakers suggested that businesses should create learning and development opportunities for employees and encourage socializing conversations about change. They recommended asking employees to think about coaching questions or posing questions to department heads in staff meetings to get people more comfortable with change. The speakers also acknowledged that change can be harder for older employees, but both younger and older employees need to understand the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of not changing.

The podcast also discussed the costs associated with making institutional changes. The speakers emphasized that businesses should think about the ROI but also consider the time and training involved in the transition, the alternative, the cost of not changing, and the opportunity cost. They noted that being an early adopter can have advantages, but there are also unknown costs, while being a laggard can result in losing customers and not attracting the best talent.

Finally, the podcast discussed how to unhook ego from the status quo and get people to change. The speakers suggested that normalizing change inside the culture of the organization and acknowledging the pride based on the success of doing things the way they have always been done are crucial. By involving employees in the process of change and creating a culture of openness and collaboration, businesses can create a culture of continuous improvement that enables them to thrive.

In conclusion, normalizing change in the culture of organizations is essential in today's fast-paced world. Businesses must create learning and development opportunities for employees, encourage socializing conversations about change, and involve employees in the process of change to ensure their success in the future. By doing so, businesses can create a culture of continuous improvement that enables them to stay competitive and innovative.

Tell the story of change.

One crucial aspect of implementing change in an organization is telling the story of why. In a podcast on the topic, the speaker emphasizes the importance of creating a narrative that works for both employees and customers. Simply stating that competitors are making a change is not enough. It is essential to customize the change and find ways to take advantage of it to generate energy and release pent-up creativity within the organization.

The speaker also highlights the consequences of not making a change, even if everything is running smoothly. Organizations cannot sustain a winning track record on the same playbook. They need to create new plans, strategies, and ways of doing things to keep employees fresh, engaged, and bringing their effort, imagination, and creativity to the job.

The podcast also discusses the importance of shifting conversations around change. When implementing a new tool like a CRM, for example, it is crucial to talk to salespeople about how they can change their conversation and gather new information. Leaders must help employees shift their conversations and ask different questions while maintaining or improving the relationship they have with their clients.

The podcast also highlights the importance of leadership in implementing change. Leaders must tell the story of why and create a narrative that works for employees and customers. They must answer objections and involve employees in the process of change to ensure their success in the future.

In conclusion, telling the story of change is crucial in implementing change in an organization. Leaders must create a narrative that works for employees and customers, involve employees in the process of change, and shift conversations around change to ensure success. By doing so, businesses can create a culture of continuous improvement that enables them to stay competitive and innovative.

Conversation, not communication, crucial.

One of the main takeaways from the podcast is the importance of conversation over communication when implementing change in an organization. While communication is essential, it is not enough to ensure successful change. It is important to have conversations that involve employees in the process of change, allow for objections to be raised and addressed, and create a shared understanding of the value of change.

The podcast highlights the importance of telling the story of change and creating a narrative that works for employees and customers. This involves explaining the net benefit that comes from the change and identifying mechanisms for employees to register objections and have conversations around them. By doing so, businesses can create a culture of transparency and trust that enables them to successfully implement change.

Another key aspect of conversation is involving employees in the process of change. This means allowing them to have a say in how the change is implemented and what contributions they can make to ensure its success. It also means recognizing the impact that change will have on employees and providing them with the support and resources they need to navigate it.

Finally, the podcast emphasizes the importance of shifting conversations around change to ensure success. This means normalizing change inside the organization and creating a culture where change is seen as a natural part of growth and innovation. It also means recognizing the value of conversation and creating opportunities for employees to engage in dialogue and share their ideas and concerns.

In conclusion, conversation, not communication, is crucial when implementing change in an organization. By telling the story of change, involving employees in the process, and shifting conversations around change, businesses can create a culture of continuous improvement that enables them to stay competitive and innovative.

Effective change requires a clear vision.

The podcast discussion on change management highlighted the importance of having a clear vision when implementing change in an organization. Sarah Darling, a change management consultant, emphasized the need for a shared vision that aligns with the organization's goals and engages employees. She also stressed the importance of having open channels of communication and providing feedback mechanisms to facilitate the change process.

The discussion highlighted the case of Elon Musk taking over Twitter and instituting changes without clear communication or a shared vision. This approach led to confusion, resistance, and a high turnover of employees. The lack of a clear vision and communication strategy resulted in a poorly led change that disrupted the organization's operations.

Effective change management requires a clear vision that outlines the goals and objectives of the change process. The vision should be communicated to all stakeholders, including employees, customers, and partners. This helps to create a shared understanding of the change process and its expected outcomes. A clear vision also helps to motivate employees and align their efforts towards achieving the organization's goals.

Communication is also critical in effective change management. Organizations should have open channels of communication that allow employees to provide feedback, ask questions, and express concerns. This helps to identify potential issues and address them before they escalate. Feedback mechanisms also enable organizations to monitor the progress of the change process and make necessary adjustments.

In conclusion, effective change requires clear vision and communication. Organizations should have a shared vision that aligns with their goals and engages employees. They should also have open channels of communication that allow for feedback and dialogue. By doing so, organizations can create a culture of continuous improvement that enables them to stay competitive and innovative.